

EvoDevo cycling C.I.C is a not-for-profit company registered with companies house.

We drive the evolution and development of young British racing cyclists. This will be achieved by providing opportunities for them to learn and develop their cycling careers on the international stage.

We give opportunities to young bike riders, providing them with the highest chances at having their best and most enjoyable cycling career.

We will also advance the wider cycling community on this journey, gaining and sharing experience and knowledge in the process.

Photo credit @velouk

EVo DEVO OBjectives 


EvoDevo exists to give British bike riders opportunities to develop, learn, and experience high-level racing and cycle sport in a safe, well-organised, and well-managed environment. International race trips are known to be complex, costly, and a daunting prospect for many.  We want to help guide and educate those involved to create and subsequently maximise access for all to more of these vital experiences.

Along with the bike riders’ development, we intend to take the parents, coaches, and volunteers with us on this journey to develop the wider cycling community.

This wider education of the cycling community will provide EvoDevo with a sustainable legacy.

Photo credit @velouk